Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price

Not regulated and not protected by investor compensation schemes. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile — value can go down as well as up. Trading may be subject to tax.

Our current rate1 SHIB = £0.00002
Rate does not include fees. Check the Revolut app for live price details. Crypto is not regulated or protected and is volatile - value can go down.Get started

1 SHIB = £0.00002

£0.0000123178.01 %
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Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Data displayed above is indicative only. The return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Actual execution price may vary. Pricing data is provided by Revolut.
TradingView LightweightCharts,Copyright © 2023 TradingView, Inc.


Market cap£11.28B
Circulating supply589,262,931,415,957
Max supply-
24h trading volume£304.27M
Popular on Revolut#11

About Shiba Inu

SHIB is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. SHIB token is the first community token and allows users to hold Billions or even Trillions of them.
Official website
1 GBP51,421.9204 SHIB
5 GBP257,109.6021 SHIB
10 GBP514,219.2042 SHIB
25 GBP1,285,548.0106 SHIB
50 GBP2,571,096.0212 SHIB
100 GBP5,142,192.0425 SHIB
500 GBP25,710,960.2129 SHIB
1,000 GBP51,421,920.4259 SHIB
5,000 GBP257,109,602.1299 SHIB
10,000 GBP514,219,204.2599 SHIB
50,000 GBP2,571,096,021.2996 SHIB
1 SHIB0.00 GBP
5 SHIB0.00 GBP
10 SHIB0.00 GBP
25 SHIB0.00 GBP
50 SHIB0.00 GBP
100 SHIB0.00 GBP
500 SHIB0.00 GBP
1,000 SHIB0.01 GBP
5,000 SHIB0.09 GBP
10,000 SHIB0.18 GBP
50,000 SHIB0.94 GBP

Live Shiba Inu to GBP prices, price charts, and market cap

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Live Shiba Inu to GBP prices, price charts, and market cap

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Not regulated or protected. Value can go down. Tax may be payable on gains. Fees payable.

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4.9 / 5

719K Reviews

4.7 / 5

2.8M Reviews

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Use 36 currencies to buy Shiba Inu

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Revolut lets you buy, hold, and sell Shiba Inu directly in-app, so you can get in on the crypto action in the same app you use to manage your money. Discover why our customers trust us for all things money.

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Learn more about cryptocurrency stats

  • Market cap

    The current price of Shiba Inu (per unit) multiplied by its current circulating supply

  • Circulating supply

    The amount of Shiba Inu publicly available and circulating in the market

  • 24-hour trading volume

    The total dollar value of all Shiba Inu traded in the last 24 hours, including exchanges outside of Revolut

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Shiba Inu Price FAQs

  • The cryptocurrency price trackers you refer to should use reliable data and consistently update it. Revolut allows you to track the price of cryptocurrencies, including the price of Shiba Inu directly in-app.Try Revolut now.
  • Revolut is the all-in-one app for buying, selling, and exchanging cryptocurrency, like Shiba Inu and more.Try Revolut now.
  • Whenever you make a cryptocurrency exchange using Revolut, we use our simple and transparent pricing formula: rate + fee = total cost. We’ll charge you low fees that you'll always see in-app before you buy. The actual amount depends on your Revolut plan.Learn more.

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Make sure that this crypto offering is suitable for you according to your financial circumstances and attitude towards risk before starting. The price or value of cryptocurrencies can rapidly increase or decrease at any time (and may even fall to zero). The risk of loss when holding cryptocurrencies can be substantial. Funds that we receive in relation to cryptocurrency transactions will not be safeguarded (under the UK Electronic Money Regulations 2011) or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We do not make any claims regarding the advisability of transacting in cryptocurrency. We cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of any data or information used regarding your exposure to cryptocurrencies. We are also registered with the Financial Conduct Authority to offer cryptocurrency services under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017.